This page is a place for me to share the pictures and video that I took while attending an amazing workshop hosted by Elke Cole at OUR EcoVillage at Shawnigan Lake on Vancouver Island, BC. I went to this workshop in the spring of 2010 as I was planning to set out on a mission to build myself a cob house.
I discovered this workshop and it seemed perfect, and it was in every way.
The site for the weekend event was so special. OUR Eco Village is a community of wonderful people committed to sustainable living and discovering great ways to build using natural materials. The Sanctuary is a beautiful cob building with a gathering space for seminars and events. Outside in the front of the Sanctuary is a labyrinth that had been recently completed, just before we all arrived for our workshop.
I and three other women slept in a yurt on the grounds. It too was beautiful and such a unique experience to stay in a yurt.
The community gardens are extensive and we saw the new little lamb that was born as we slept. The community kitchen provided us with delicious meals and we shared in a group gratitude circle before each meal, which was such a meaningful experience.
Elke Cole was so informative and I strongly recommend her workshops if you are at all interested in the process of planning and building a natural home.
I am sad that I took so long to get this information up, but that is what happens in life. I am just thrilled that I am getting closer to actually putting what I learned with Elke to good use in the next few years as I finalize my house design and begin the process of building my own cob house.
I am truly grateful to all those who share their knowledge through various means, workshops, youtube videos and blogs on the net. I have learned so much from these wonderful people.
Inside the yurt where I got to stay while at OUR Ecovillage |
Looking up in the yurt |
Flags inside the yurt |
front entrance to the yurt |
lumber waiting to be used. |
lots of wood to be used when needed |
side view of the yurt |
close up of the gorgeous flags inside the yurt |
chalk art around the fireplace inside the yurt |
inside the community kitchen at the OUR EcoVillage |
workshop participants visiting around the huge table |
The Sactuary, side door. |
the living roof on The Sanctuary building |
Side door to The Sanctuary building made out of cob. |
art on the fence |